Grass: How to keep a ‘lush and green’ lawn throughout the winter


TAKING CARE OF THE LAWN IN THE WINTER CAN BE DIFFICULT, with many people unsure whether they should leave it alone or keep it up. What gardeners should do with their grass throughout the winter months has been given by an expert.

Because grass growth slows in the winter when the soil temperature drops, it doesn’t need to be mowed as frequently. However, according to one expert, the grass should be maintained throughout the winter to ensure that it is “lush and green” the following spring.

Although grass does not stop growing completely throughout the winter, it is doubtful that it will need to be mowed between November and February.

However, other experts caution that this is dependent on the grass, with some people needing to cut their grass all year.

The Outdoor Lock’s Director, Brett Lockwood, has provided some grass care advice.

“Lawn care for the winter months needs to start before the harsh cold weather comes,” he advised.

With each mow, gradually adjust your lawnmower to cut on a shorter setting in preparation for the first frost.

“Then, in the spring, aerate your lawn and apply lawn fertiliser in a zig-zag manner so you don’t have noticeable stripes of healthy grass.”

Phosphate and potassium levels in winter fertilisers are higher than usual.

This will promote root growth and strengthen the lawn beneath the soil.

Fertilizing in the fall will also aid in the growth of green grass.

“During the winter, these things might harm or hinder the growth of your grass.”

This is because of their weight or because they obstruct the sun from reaching the grass.

Gardeners should also keep an eye on their lawns for signs of waterlogging, which can cause a variety of issues.

It occurs when water sits on the soil top and drains slowly or not at all, causing lawn damage.

“This should ensure that your grass is steadily fed over the winter months, leaving it lush and green come spring the following year,” the expert continued.

While many people believe that caring for grass ends in the winter, this is not the case.

While many people believe that caring for grass ends in the winter, the expert explained that gardeners should keep their lawns in good shape all year.

“You should also maintain the grass during the winter, cleaning away any fallen leaves and removing any fallen branches, toys, or lingering furniture,” Brett advised.

During the winter, these things can harm or hinder the growth of your grass.”

This is because of their weight or because they obstruct the sun from reaching the grass.

Gardeners should also keep an eye on their lawns for signs of waterlogging, which can cause a variety of issues.

It occurs when water sits on the soil top and drains slowly or not at all, causing lawn damage.

Pricking or slicing the surface, according to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), can control this.

“However, a deeper spiking is better, especially using a tool meant to leave holes 10 to 15cm deep,” according to the website.

“Free-draining materials, such as proprietary lawn top dressings or horticultural sand, can be used to cover these gaps.

“Water can flow from the surface to deeper, less compacted layers as a result.”